Most people are not aware of the various benefits of walking, which is why sitting at home is the go-to option for most. Walking not only helps improve posture and circulation but also leads to weight loss, better mental health, and can help prevent heart disease. Here are some reasons why walking is good for health.

1. Burn Calories

The number of calories burnt while walking depends on several factors like weight and height. However, an average adult can burn approximately 8 to 10 calories per minute without increasing his/her heart rate above 120 BPM (beats per minute). You can burn more if you increase your speed or walk uphill.

2. Clears your Mind

Walking is a good way to clear your mind and get creative ideas for solving problems as long as you do not stress yourself by thinking too hard about things that are beyond your control. The movements required to walk also activate certain parts that you do not normally use.

3. Helps Prevent Depression and Anxiety

Walking is a good remedy for depression and anxiety as it has a calming effect on the brain, thereby helping the sufferer to improve his/her mood and thinking.

4. Boosts the Immune System

Walking stimulates the immune system, which helps in fighting viruses and other types of infections. The cellular activity in your body produces chemicals that help boost your immune system’s ability to fight infection.

5. Lose weight

Walking helps lose weight, keep the body at a healthy weight and decrease body fat levels – it is one of the best forms of exercise for losing weight.

6. Prevent Heart Disease

Walking is considered as an aerobic exercise and helps expand the heart muscles, thereby helping to prevent heart disease. A study shows that walking at least 5 hours per week can help prevent heart disease by reducing stress on the arteries and lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.

By walking for at least 30 minutes every day, you will experience a myriad of benefits, including weight loss and an improved mood.