A frozen shoulder will be a common occurrence among people who use manual labor that requires repetitive motions. It happens when the pain receptors located in the joints become so sensitive, they are triggered easily by minor adjustments in the joint and cause severe discomfort. If a patient does not address this issue early, it could lead to permanent damage to their shoulder joint. Here are some ways how to treat frozen shoulders.

1. Ice

This is the most important step in treating frozen shoulders. An ice pack that contains a gel or a water-based gel is recommended. The usage of alcohol-free gel is also recommended to prevent infection and keep the skin moist. The ice pack should be placed at least 30 minutes before applying the heat therapy for maximum results.

2. Heat

The next step is to apply heat. The heat should be applied beneath the injured shoulder. The heat should be focused on the tendons and ligaments of the shoulder and kept for 30 minutes every day.

If pain is still present, it could take a longer time to see results. In some cases, it could take longer than a month before feeling any improvement.

3. Exercise

A patient should start light exercises, especially with less range of motion. After 3 weeks, patients should start light stiff range of motion exercises to regain strength and increase blood circulation in the shoulder joint.

4. Shower

The shower can be used as one of the treatments for frozen shoulders. The water temperature must be between 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit and a high-pressure shower must be used. The patients should perform a deep muscle massage in the shoulders after showering to relieve some pressure from under their neck and shoulder area.

In order to prevent frozen shoulders, it is important to avoid or limit the use of repetitive motions in any exercise routine. In some cases, the patient might need to use a shoulder immobilizer in order to treat a frozen shoulder because it limits the motion of the shoulder joint and provides support for the shoulder. It can be worn during sleep or a day at work. The treatment normally takes longer time than other injuries and requires more patience from a patient. The exercises and heat pack should be done frequently in order to speed up recovery time.