Sleeping is always underrated and misunderstood. Everybody knows that sleeping boosts alertness and performance, but not many people understand how it does that. The article will cover the science behind sleeping, what happens to our bodies when we sleep, and finally why sleep is so important. Here are some Sleep health benefits.

1. Memory

Sleeping at night helps your memory. Studies have shown that those who get 7 hours of sleep a night have better memories than those who don’t. According to research, older adults who sleep more than seven hours per night are four to five times more likely to remember information during cognitive tests than seniors getting between six and seven hours of sleep per night.

2. Nerves

Sleeping helps our nerves. Your body repairs your body during sleep, that’s why you need to sleep at night. During sleep, nerve cells produce more proteins and rebuild their connections.

3. Mood

Sleeping also helps our moods. Sleep deprivation can lead to feelings of depression as well as psychological disorders such as hallucinations and delusions. When we sleep, the brain produces certain chemicals that can improve our mood and help fight fatigue. Your body is forced to produce them during sleep, even when you’re not actively dreaming.

4. Immunity

Sleeping at night means you could be clearing out the toxins your body has been experiencing throughout the day. The immune system is stimulated in several ways that can help clear and heal wounds and other infections. While being awake favors the growth of new cells, sleeping helps repair existing ones.

5. Cholesterol

We know that sleeping can help prevent high cholesterol, but do you know why? When the body is awake, stress hormones are produced that can lead to an increase in blood cholesterol. Sleeping at night helps lower blood pressure and increases the level of HDL (good) cholesterol.

Sleeping is extremely important for overall health. Sleeping at night lets the body rest and repair, which helps prevent the accumulation of toxins throughout the day and evening. If you don’t sleep, you may end up with a decline in your health and well-being.