Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that has been proven to lessen the severity and duration of a cold. It is water-soluble, which means it can’t be stored in your body for energy as fat-soluble vitamins can. This means that you should try to get about 400 mg each day through food or supplements since optimal health benefits will not be achieved otherwise.

Benefits of using Vitamin C

1. Vitamin C has been proven to help fight colds, improving resistance to infection and immunity.

2. Vitamin C is an anti-stress vitamin that helps the body maintain its equilibrium by helping the nervous system work more efficiently.

3. The antioxidant qualities of Vitamin C can help your immune system fight off infection and premature aging. This property is what makes it a good supplement for fighting off diseases like cancer and AIDS (since both are caused by free radicals).

4. Studies have shown that Vitamin C helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as cancer.

5. Vitamin C is an effective treatment for the common cold. Remember that Vitamin C is water-soluble, the most effective method to ingest it is through food or a liquid supplement, so take care to only take in the recommended dosage (about 500 mg per day).

6. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is found in many foods and supplements, such as orange juice and broccoli. The main function of this vitamin is to neutralize free radicals, making it an effective antioxidant for the body.

7. Vitamin C is also used to treat a wide variety of conditions because of its antioxidant properties. For example, it helps prevent the spread of infection from bacteria to other parts of your body. This can be important if you have an open wound or are recovering from surgery or cancer treatment.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight off infection and premature aging. It also helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as cancer. To get the most benefits from this vitamin, it’s important to eat Vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges, broccoli, and tomatoes (don’t forget to peel your citrus fruits). Tastes great with chicken or fish!