Gingivitis is a condition that is characterized by inflammation of the gums. The condition progresses slowly and does not cause pain or discomfort in most cases. In general, your medical professional will not be able to tell that you have gingivitis without a quick examination of the mouth and will only be able to diagnose it if other conditions are present. Here are some tips on how to prevent and easy ways to treat gingivitis:

1. Avoid sugar, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners.

They are the most common causes of bad breath as well as tooth decay. (Lemon is a good substitute for iced coffee or tea). When you consume any of these substances, bacteria in the mouth break the substances down, and acids are produced. These acids lead to the formation of cavities and gum disease.

2. Brush your teeth at least twice a day.

Brushing after meals is a good practice because food particles may remain on the teeth and cause cavities and gingivitis.

A toothbrush should be soft enough to penetrate small areas while also being firm enough to remove rough food particles.

3. Use dental floss.

Dental floss is made of nylon thread. It is available in a wide variety of colors and should always be used with an eraser or soft toothbrush to remove residual food particles.

4. Avoid hard, sticky foods and chewing gum (baby aspirin).

Sticky foods, especially chips and ice cream, can damage the gums. Chewing gum damages the teeth while you are chewing it and is directly linked to causing gingivitis.

There are some ways that you can take to prevent gingivitis. It can be easily treated and will not cause you any pain or discomfort. If the condition is left untreated, however, it will cause pain, infection of the gums, and eventually tooth loss. Make sure that you know how to prevent and treat gingivitis. You can use this information to keep your teeth looking and feeling healthy.